Study Book Intellectual Learning
Study Book Intellectual Learning!
Make learning fun with our Interactive Learning Book! Covers Bengali, English, Math, & Arabic with sound, quiz, & recording features. Perfect for toddlers aged 2-5.
Pack Size: 26×23.5 cm
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Is your little one between the ages of 2 and 5? Are you looking for an engaging and educational tool to introduce them to the world of learning? Look no further than the Interactive Learning Book for Toddlers. This innovative book is designed to make learning fun and interactive for young children, covering a range of essential subjects in a captivating way.
Unlike traditional books, our Interactive Learning Book incorporates smart technology to capture your child’s attention. Each page features touch-sensitive buttons that trigger sounds, words, and phrases, bringing the learning experience to life. Your child will be able to explore the wonders of the Bengali, English, Math, and Arabic languages at their own pace, fostering a love for learning from an early age.
Key Features:
- Multilingual Learning: Introduce your child to Bengali, English, Math, and Arabic all in one book.
- Interactive Sound: Each letter and number produces corresponding sounds, making learning fun and engaging.
- Comprehensive Curriculum: Covers essential pre-school concepts, laying a strong foundation for future academic success.
- Engaging Activities: Includes a variety of puzzles and interactive elements to keep your child entertained and stimulated.
- Quiz Mode: Test your child’s understanding with the built-in quiz feature, encouraging active participation.
- Recording System: Allows your child to record their own voice, promoting language development and self-expression.
- Reusable Marker Pen: Comes with a marker pen for writing and drawing on the pages, which can be easily erased for endless practice.
- Durable & Safe: Made from high-quality materials, ensuring long-lasting use and safety for your child.
- Enhances Language Skills: Develops vocabulary, pronunciation, and reading comprehension in multiple languages.
- Promotes Cognitive Development: Stimulates critical thinking, problem-solving, and memory skills.
- Encourages Interactive Learning: Makes learning an active and enjoyable experience.
- Supports Early Education: Introduces essential pre-school concepts, preparing your child for formal schooling.
- Fosters Creativity & Imagination: Inspires curiosity and a love for learning.
The Interactive Learning Book for Toddlers is the perfect gift for your little one. It’s a fun, educational, and interactive tool that will help them learn and grow. Order yours today and give your child the gift of knowledge!
Product Specifications:
- Pack Size: 26×23.5 cm
- Age Range: 2-5 years
- Languages: Bengali, English, Math, Arabic
- Features: Sound, Quiz Mode, Recording System, Reusable Marker Pen
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