Goofi Story Doo Bangla
গুফির সবচেয়ে জনপ্রিয় সিরিজ এটি। মোট ৫ টি গল্পের বই নিয়ে এই সিরিজটি তৈরি হয়েছে। এই বইয়ের সিরিজের মাধ্যমে ৩-১০ বছর বয়সী শিশুদের গল্পের মাধমে আচরণ, নৈতিকতা, মূল্যবোধের বিভিন্ন মেসেজ দেয়া হয়েছে। বইটির ইলাস্ট্রেসন করা হয়েছে ডুডুলের মাধ্যমে এবং শিশুরা নিজেরাও আঁকতে পারবে শেষের দিকে।
Goofi StoryDoo Series is the best selling children story books series in Bangla. The 5-book series teaches empathy, moral values, and ethics to children through storytelling and doodling.
Special Features of this children story books series:
- Interactive book and children can draw and doodle on the pages.
- Teach children about moral values and life skills.
- Engaging for children
- Best selling children book series in Bangladesh
- English version is available
StoryDoo: Story+Doodle – শিশুদের ভালো আচরণ ও নৈতিকতা বাড়ানোর Children Story Books সিরিজ
Storydoo কথাটি এসেছে Storybooks এবং Doodle থেকে। Goofi থেকে এমন কিছু বই তৈরি করার কথা চিন্তা করলাম আমরা যার মাধ্যমে শিশুরা গল্প শুনবে এবং বইটিতে নিজে কিছু কাজ করবে। তখন আমাদের মাথায় আসল Doodle Art করলে কেমন হয়? Doodle এর সাথে আমরা কিছু মানুষ পরিচিত হলেও বেশির ভাগ মানুষই জানিনা। Doodle করলে শিশুদের মনোযোগ বৃদ্ধির পাশাপাশি আরও অনেক উপকার হয়। কিন্তু এই Doodle এর যদি বই হয় তবে আমরা অন্যদের শেখাবো কিভাবে যে এটা রঙ করার পাশাপাশি ডুডলও করতে হবে?
Goofi StoryDoo সিরিজের বইগুলোর মূল উদ্দেশ্য
১। গল্পের মাধ্যমে শিশুদেরকে সুন্দর আচরণ ও নৈতিকতা শেখানো ।
২। শিশুরা নিজের মত করে কিছু করতে অনেক ভালোবাসে। বইটি যদি এমন হয় যে শিশু নিজে গল্পটি পড়ে নিজের মত করে আঁকআঁকিও করতে পারবে? নিজের পছন্দমত কিছু ছবি আর রঙ দিয়ে বইটি আরও সুন্দর করতে পারবে। বইয়ের সাথে এই ধরণের Interaction বাড়ানোও এই বইয়ের বড় একটি উদ্দেশ্য ছিল।
৩। ডুডলের মত মজাদার একটি drawing technique সাথে পরিচয় করিয়ে দেয়াটাও উদ্দেশ্য ছিল।
There are 5 books in this children story book series from Goofi. The book titles and their brief are given below:
- দয়ালু রাঁধুনি দৈত্য
- কচ্ছপ-খরগোশের গল্প
- অলস শেয়ালের গল্প
- রাগী অক্টোপাসের গল্প
- ছোট্ট দুই ব্যাঙ রাজপুত্র
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Related Products is an online platform aiming to develop sustainable learning strategies for the young learners of our country by altering the traditional education system. We do research, design activities, and initiate learning campaigns for kids.
DIY Smart Stick Building Block Set is all your little baby needs to play differently. Play and learn in one block set. This building set is a bit different from the conventional blocks.
Helpful for:
– Environmental Friendly Material
– Colorful Assembling Puzzles
– Random Combination
“Drawing Special Gift Box Set” You Will Get:
- Notebook
- DOMS Small Pencil Color-12 Shades
- DOMS Watercolor Tube 12 Shades
- Ducky 12 Oil Pastel Color
- Crafting Scissor
- Design Ruler
- Puzzle Ruler
- Glitter Foam Sheet
- Penmax Highlighter
- Drawing Khata (40 pages)
- Sharpener
- Fruit Eraser
- Pencil set HB, 2B, 4B
- Drawing Book (32 pages)
- Discount Card
- Special Chalkpencil Gift Box
Box Size: 31×25.5×8 cm
The products provided are of a similar nature, comprising sets that may vary in brand, reflecting the diversity available in the current market.
“Unique Educational Computer Learning Toy” You Will Get:
- Brand: Xin Da
- Color: Assorted
- Material: Plastic
- Box Dimension: 21 x 18.5 cm
- Product Dimension: 16.5 x 16 cm
- A unique gift idea for students and kids.
- High-quality plastic, beautiful and durable.
- Battery: 3 “AA” Size 1.5V Batteries (Not Included)
- Product Type: Battery Operated Computer Learning Toy
- Battery Operated
- 26 English Words
- Learning Letter A-Z
- Learning Number 1-10
- Learning Relative Words
- Auto Power Saving System
- Question Relative Letter or Word
- Learning Letter and Number Song
Package Includes:
1 x Battery Operated Computer Learning Toy
Note: Batteries Not Included
We do research, design activities, and initiate learning campaigns for kids.
This Painting Kit includes:
1. Drawing Book (32 Pages, Size: 21×29.7 cm)
2. Color Pencil Pack (6 Pencils of 172 mm length each)
3. Oil Pastel Pack (12 Shades of 63 mm length each)
4. Water Color Cake Pack (12 Shades of 23 mm each)
5. Pencil (172 mm )
6. Water Color Pen Pack (12 Shades)
7. Glitter Pack (3 Shades of 5.5 ml each)
8. Pencil – Sharpener
9. Eraser
(You will always get the updated products for DOMS Painting Kit from us)
Play and learn together with Standard Competitive Dominoes. This vibrant and colorful toy will engage your kid for a long time. It is made with eco-friendly linden wood so your baby won’t be harmed. Easy to build anything, and the pieces have no sharp edges so they are really safe for small hands.
Total Pieces: 100
Size: 30x21cm Little Star Art Set includes,
01. Chalkpencil Drawing Book 32p (100 gsm)
02. Chalkpencil Coloring Book 40p (80 gsm)
03. Deli Felt Pen 12 Color
04. DOMS Small Pencil Color 12 Shades
05. Doms 6 Water Color Tube with Palette
06. Design Ruller
07. HB pencil 1 piece
08. 2B Pencil 1 piece
09. 4B Pencil 1 piece
10. TiTi non-dust Eraser 1 piece
11. Sharpener 1 piece
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Benefits of Crafts Package-
> Inspires them to think critically.
> Helps them express themselves.
> Helps to boost their Self-Esteem.
> Make them more creative and productive.
> Improves their coordination and fine motor skills.
- Children Early Educational Geometric Matching Shape Building Vehicle Block
- Durable
- Brightly Colored
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Colorful Animal Tower Set of Pillars wooden toy 3 in 1 is a high-quality multicolor toy that is good for 36+ months babies and helps to build up their graphic cognitive ability, imagination & creativity, hand-eye-brain coordination and ability of observation.
Colorful Animal Set of Pillars is,
- 3 in-1 Animal Set Toy
- Improve special intelligence and logical thinking
- Multicolor Toy
- Good for 36+month Babies
- Graphic cognitive ability
- Imagination & creativity
- Hand-eye-brain coordination
- Ability of observation
- 3 different animal shapes
- Size: 21.5×13 cm
48 pcs Wooden Blocks Toppling Tower is,
- Classic number block stacking
- Stack-crashing game
- 48 pieces
- Color: Woody
- Material: Wood
- Pull out a block and stack it kindly on the top without crashing the tower
- Win by being the last player to remove a block without causing the stack to crash
- Or the previous player crashed the tower while removing a block
- The game playing method is decided by throwing dices, how many dices you want, or how to deal with the num you got, addition, subtraction or multiplication, all are up to you before the game begins
- Made of wood, offer heavy hand feeling and exquisite texture
Size: 26×8 cm
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- Brand: Huanger
- Product Type: Roll Ball
- Material: Plastic ABS (superior and safe)
- Box Dimension: 29 x 22.5 x 11 cm
- Color: Assorted
- Age: 18 M+
- High-quality plastic, beautiful and durable.
- A unique gift idea for kids 18m+.
- Fine Motor Training
- Visual Training
- Auditory Training
- Mental Training
- In this toy, Acrylic balls contain colorful beads and shapes that make fun sounds when rolled.
- Enhances fine motor skills, problem-solving skills, and cause and effect learning.
Package Includes:
5 Tier, 3 Multi-colored Ball, 1 Monkey Head
Crafting helps your kids to think in advance by increasing their confidence.
Benefits of crafting-
> Improves their coordination and fine motor skills.
> Helps them express themselves.
> Helps to boost their Self-Esteem.
> Make them more creative and productive.
> Inspires them to think critically.
Out of stock
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